People involved in the preparation of this issue of RetroMagazine World (in no particular order):
- Alberto Apostolo
- Gianluca Girelli
- Proteus075/C. Concari
- Carlo N. Del Mar Pirazzini
- Daniele Brahimi
- Mic the Biker Novarina
- Francesco Fiorentini
- Takahiro Yoshioka
- David La Monaca
- Francesco Coppola
- Leonardo Miliani
- Beppe Rinella
- Christian Miglio
- Ermanno Betori
- Roberto Del Mar Pirazzini
- Il Redattore Mascherato Jr.
- Flavio Soldani
- Cover by: Flavio Soldani
Editorial by Alberto Apostolo and Francesco Fiorentini
Més que un Magazine
“Més que un club”(more than a club) is the slogan proudly displayed by Barcelona FC in the stands of its football stadium.
With equal pride we can say that RetroMagazine World is more than just a magazine reserved for a group of enthusiasts.
With all our initiatives (the site, “Press Play Again”, etc.) and the presence on the most frequented social networks, it proves to be a community full of life.
The Editorial Board has recently seen an increase in the number of collaborators, starting with Mike “The biker” Novarina, Alessandro Albano and continuing with Francesco Coppola, Beppe Rinella, Christian Miglio (humbly apologizing if we have forgotten someone else worthy of being remembered).
In particular, the young Francesco Coppola will take care of the Atari world, while Beppe Rinella will enrich the articles of games by leaving the patterns of the usual review.
RetroMagazine World is appreciated because it is made by putting heart and soul (or “spirit” as Steve Jobs said).
- The Karnak MFP810 Calculator
- SEGA SATURN – a fantastic but misunderstood platform!
- Commodore 264 Series◊OLIVETTI, when Italy was Silicon Valley
- Olivetti PC128S
- RetroLiPS project
- Nobility of a humble flowchart
- Introduction to Commodore C128 graphics – part 2
- Turbo Rascal SE – A complete cross-platform framework for 8/16-bit development
- ATARI – The origin of the myth◊Another World: a scary and magnificent journey
- Road Hunter – TI99/4A◊ Wizard of Wor – Commodore 64
- F-1 Spirit: the way to Formula-1 (MSX)
- Turbo Sprint (Amiga AGA)
- Saint Senya – Il mito [game preview] (PC/Android)
- Phantom Gear (Sega MD)
- Earthbound (SNES)◊ Battle Axe (PC/NG)
- Sokko Seitokai: Sonic Council (Saturn)
- Spearhead (C64)
- Mutants from the Deep (MSX)
- Jump Out (C64)
- Light Force (C64)
- You may play, but then you ought to break everything!