RetroMagazine World #15 – Eng – July 2022

We at RetroMagazine World have always made this quote from Charles Darwin our mantra. In our nearly 6 years of existence, changes have been occurring systematically to make sure that the magazine and everything around it, could always evolve into something better. Yet another step to continue this evolutionary path was the creation of the RetroMagazine World – NPO.

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RetroMagazine World n° 37 – Maggio 2022

Nei nostri quasi 6 anni di vita, i cambiamenti si sono susseguiti in maniera sistematica, per fare in modo che la rivista e tutto quello che le gira attorno, potesse evolvere sempre in qualcosa di meglio. L’ennesimo passo per continuare questo percorso evolutivo é stata la creazione dell’Associazione Culturale RetroMagazine World.

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RetroMagazine World #14 – Eng – April 2022

But what would happen if we decided to leave the comfort zone? What would happen if we decided to try to use and learn those unfamiliar systems? Certainly, at the beginning, we would pay the price of lack of knowledge.
Well, if we are able to do this, unexplored worlds will open up before us, where the joy of discovery could make us return to those children we were 30/40 years ago.

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RetroMagazine World n° 36 – Aprile 2022

WikiPedia definisce la zona di comfort come …uno stato psicologico in cui un individuo percepisce tutto come familiare e si sente a suo agio…
Ma cosa succederebbe se decidessimo di abbandonare questa zona di comfort? Cosa succederebbe se decidessimo di provare ad utilizzare e a conoscere in maniera più approfondita i sistemi a noi non familiari?

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RetroMagazine World #13 – Eng – February 2022

RetroMagazine World, with every issue in two versions, Italian and English, registers an ever-growing number of readers and arouses constant interest in the topics we cover. Our choice to avoid the distribution of printed copies, brings some advantages, …, not least of which is that we can continue to guarantee the complete gratuity of the magazine, and allows us to reach anywhere in the world with a simple URL.

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RetroMagazine World n° 35 – Febbraio 2022

RetroMagazine World, ad ogni uscita nelle due versioni, in italiano e in inglese, registra ormai un sempre crescente numero di lettori e suscita un costante interesse per gli argomenti trattati. La nostra scelta di evitare la distribuzione di copie stampate, oltre a tenerci lontano da una serie di problemi derivanti dalla gestione degli abbonamenti e delle spedizioni, porta alcuni vantaggi…

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RetroMagazine World #12 – Eng – January 2022

I won’t make budgets….
So what? What will you tell us?
Well, I want to tell you about our satisfaction in having realized and in continuing to realize our dream of when we were kids. All the guys on the editorial staff of RetroMagazine World, dreamed of being part of a magazine like the ones they used to buy in the 80s and 90s.

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RetroMagazine World n° 34 – Dicembre 2021

E anche questo 2021 è arrivato alla fine. Un altro anno passato nella morsa del COVID. Nel mio articolo di quarta del numero di fine 2020 avevo auspicato la fine dell’emergenza pandemica… Forse me la sono gufata, quindi quest’anno non commetteró lo stesso errore.

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RetroMagazine World #11 – Eng – December 2021

The unknown variable called time
If there is one thing today that we have got in great quantities in retrocomputing, it is resources to draw on. The Internet offers us countless opportunities to retrieve documentation, books, magazines, guides and manuals for our beloved computers. It’s so easy to find both digital and traditional material.

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